Friday, April 25, 2014

V is for Vacation....

Well I skipped u because I just couldn't come up with one and I was babysitting and then on the way home my tire blew so I had to wait for 2 hours on the side of the road for the tow truck from my town to come and get me and the car. Sounds like a good excuse right? LOL

V is for vacation. My dad was a teacher and a coach when I was growing up. I remember having to wait for supper until after practices and being all ready for bed and then eating. He was a hard worker. In the summer he would paint houses all summer and he did that so he could give us all a family vacation every year. He felt that was very important and looking back now at all of the memories we made on those vacations I thank him. We had some big trips...we went to Mackinac Island, we went to South Dakota and we went to Canada but usually we rented a cabin at the lake where my dad could fish and the kids could swim. My Aunt and Uncle would get a cabin the same week we would. It was a great tradition. Looking back I don't think it was much of a vacation for my mom but she went along with it.

This summer we are taking my nephew to South Dakota for vacation. Hopefully we can make some memories for him.

Hmmmm not what to do for W....X....Y and Z. We will see if I am back, I know I will be for 2 of them but not sure and X and Y.


Primitive Stars said...

Morning Cindi, oh what wonderful memories of vacation, I enjoy hearing about it. Hugs Francine.

Farmhouse prims said...

Hi Cindi, what awesome memories that you have of your family vacations. Sorry about your flat tire, hugs, Lecia

Stephanie Faris said...

Vacation was my V, too! Nothing better. South Dakota sounds like a fun trip.

bettyj said...

Wonderful memories. I think we all have them and are thankful for them

frontporchprims said...

Vacations are some of the most sweet memories for me. We did a lot of them as well. I am glad you had such a hard working Dad to give you those things.