It has been awhile since I have been here, I feel bad I even missed my Simple Woman's Daybook, still might do it, not sure. My mom went to her check-up in Rochester on Monday and they decided to open her up again because of infection. She is still in the hospital and probably will be for a couple more days. I was there Monday and yesterday but today I had to go back to work. I wish they could figure out the plan of action and get on with it so she can come home, it gets frustrating sometimes and it is also scary. We are praying they figure out what kind of infection it is and be able to treat it so she can be at home.
It has been a beautiful fall week this week and thankfully we haven't had anymore rain. the Mississippi River here in town still has not crested and we have minor flooding but it is nothing like some places.
Hopefully I will be back soon with some good news, God is good and I know He will take care of us all!
You never know when your life will be changed forever, you never know when you will lose someone you love dearly. Live each day to the fullest, celebrate the smallest things that make you happy. Hug your loved ones every single day and let them know you love them and think they are so special.
Yesterday my small community had quite a shock when two of our high school juniors were involved in a deadly crash. The boy died and the girl is at Mayo with very serious head trauma. I am praying for both of these families, I am sure they never thought yesterday morning that their day would end as it did, life is short, live it to the fullest.
RIP Cole and Emily may God be with you and give you strength to fight this battle.
Give your kids, no matter what age an extra hug tonight! Love you Matthew, Michelle, Logan Ian and Ivan!
Well we have certainly had a wet beginning to fall in Southern Minnesota. Since last night we have had 6 inches of rain and it is still raining. There is a lot of flooding and things are not looking too good right now for a lot of areas. I am praying for the people that have been evacuated and the towns on the little streams that are now raging rivers. We are in need of some sun and drying out for sure!
My mom had a doctor's appointment today and we did not get very good news. Her blood counts are still very low, her heart rate is elevated and she is still fighting infection at the incision site. Please pray for her, she is one special lady and I hate that she has to be going through all of this!
Well I am off to go to my mom and dad's and help them with some things that need to be done. Have a beautiful day where ever you are and remember "You are Loved!"
"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz
Today my hometown started our second annual SeptOberfest. It is a celebration of our German heritage and also of Autumn. All of the street light posts are decorated on Main street with cornstalks, silk leaves and flowers, pumpkins and squash. The park under the bridge is now called the Pumpkin Patch and it is decorated with all sorts of things including pumpkin topiaries that people decorated for a contest. Every way into town is decorated with scarecrows and bales of hay and stuff like below, it is a lot of work that a lot of people volunteered and it looks great. It was a cloudy and cool first day but when it gets nicer I will take more pictures.
I love fall and love that my town is all decorated for it, it is also neat because now more people around town do the decorations for fall instead of Halloween which I think is better too. The weather sure has felt like fall the last couple of days. Today we didn't even get out of the 50's, brrrrrrr, it is a little early for that kind of chilliness! LOL
After work today I went out and spent some time with my mom, she is still really weak but I think she looks a lot better and I had her walk for me and I think she is even walking better. Sometimes it is hard to see the progress in yourself but I see it. It sure is good to have her home and I am so thankful everything is alright!
I guess that is about it. Have a fabulous rest of the weekend and "HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!"
Happy Monday everyone! Please come and join me at my Simple Woman's Daybook. Please come back here again when you can, I love visitors!
Sept 11, 9-11, who could forget this day 2001? I will never forget the sorrow I felt, the tears I cried, the frustration I felt and then the pride I felt. I was glued to the TV set watching the horrifying images, it all seemed so unreal but yet it was real. All the people that lost their lives, their families and all of the people whose lives were changed, special prayers are being said for you by me today.
Now onto my mom. It started out to be a very scary morning. My dad called over to the hospital this morning and we were told that they had found a blood clot in her lungs. That made us very scared because that is pretty serious.My dad called my brother Jon and then he and Judy called him back, Judy is a RN and after talking to her and hearing what she had to say we were all a bit more at ease. My sister, dad and I went to the hospital to see mom, it is hard seeing her in ICU with all of the machines hooked up to her and stuff but while we were there a doctor came in and explained stuff to us and also her nurse came in and asked if we had any questions or anything. I felt a lot better after seeing her and getting all of the professional's feedback. Tomorrow my sister and I are going back to see her but we are making my dad stay at home. He has been there everyday since Tuesday when she had her surgery so it is time he took a day off. The best thing about seeing mom is seeing the faith she has. It really makes you want to work to strengthen your own faith so I am trying to be strong in the Lord.
Well it is Wednesday, it is a short week but a lot needs to be done. Today I went to the hospital to see my mom who had back surgery yesterday. It is really hard seeing someone you love so much laying there in pain. She is actually doing pretty good and for that I am so thankful to God. She even got up and took a walk while we were there. I just pray that the surgery was a success and her pain will be gone or at least so much less than it was.
Work is unbelievable! We changed vendors where we get all of our OTC products and it is up to me to change all of the prices and tags and everything. It has been a long two weeks and the work continues. I am praying that they (meaning the bosses) see how much extra work I am doing so maybe I will get a raise because it has been over a year and I could really really use one! It has been really tough financially and I might even have to move...I am praying.
Well have a great rest of the week, love and God's blessings to you!
Happy Labor day everyone! It is hard to believe it is the unofficial end of summer. The older I get the fast time goes. Enjoyed my weekend, hope you all did too!
Today I posted on my Simple Woman's Daybook, please join me there!