This week Misi enlightened us how at this time of the year the squirrels are scurrying about getting ready for the season coming up. Although the squirrel is not my favorite animal I do admire their industriousness and their abilities to hoard enough to get them through the winter. Misi asked us how we get ready for the season...
Saturday, the first day of fall. Like the little tree squirrels I too have a ritual for getting things all ready for the coming months. The first thing I do is decorate my apartment both inside and outside. Here are some pictures. First of my outside which most of you have seen already.
Then there is the inside of my apartment. I have just started with the prim decorating so bear with me.
I also get out my warmer quilts and blankets to help with keeping the heating bills a little under control. I keep it pretty chilly so my favorite quilt goes on the back of my sofa within easy reach while reading or watching TV. My SIL made me this quilt so it is very special to me and nice and warm.
My bed gets a new covering and also gets nice warm flannel sheets on it...yes more bears, they are nice quiet room mates! LOL
I also get out my favorite fall/winter scents of candles. I think I need to buy more because I burn a lot through these long months. I have cinnamon sticks and pumpkin pie spice. I just love the spicy smells on the chilly days and nights.
Well that is about it for me. I have 20 minutes left of Tuesday so I better get this linked up. Thanks Misi for this fun thing to participate in.